Head Office

Lazimpat, Kathmandu, Nepal

10:00 AM - 5:00 PM (Sunday-Thursday)
10:00 AM - 2:00 PM (Friday)

01- 4542646




Property Insurance

Property Insurance

Your valuable properties (building, machine, furniture and fixtures, stock etc) take years to build and needs your careful planning in terms of its protection. It supports not just your livelihood, but that of all individuals and their families directly and indirectly connected with it. Good sense would dictate that it is adequately protected with a Property Insurance Policy from NLG. The Standard Property Insurance Policy covers loss or damage caused by Fire, Earthquake, Lightning, Riot, Strike and malicious damage, Terrorism etc. to the insured property, including computers and ancillary equipments.

NLG had Issued its first Property insurance policy on 1st Magh, 2075 (15th Jan, 2019)

Are you wiling to know more about Property Insurance feel free to connect with us.

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